About the Events pages
What events do you accept? And not accept?
We want the What's On page to include all special events and regular events within easy reach of Ashbourne residents on foot or by car.
Usually the limit is around 5 to 10 miles, depending on the likely level of interest to Ashbourne residents. Small events need to be nearby. Bigger events can be further away.
The event must be open to anyone to turn up on the day or to book in advance to participate or spectate. So private events are excluded.
We will refuse to list any event we consider inappropriate.
Do you take bookings or answer questions about events?
No! We are not a booking or enquiries service – please follow links in the event description and contact the organisers directly.
What is a special event?
Special events include annual events such as the Ashbourne Show. And they include ad-hoc events such as a disco at the pub.
They also include a regular slot that is filled by different things. For example the community cinema programme is a special event even though it happens at roughly the same time each month.
Its not a hard & fast rule and our administrator will decide what is special and what is regular.
Special events must be in Ashbourne or easy to reach from Ashbourne. The smaller the event, the closer it needs to be.
We don't go beyond half an hour's drive.
What is a regular event?
A regular event is any event that is not a special event!
It includes for example the leisure centre daily activities programme and the running club meeting every Tuesday and the U3A monthly meeting.
The location of a regular event must normally be within three miles of Ashbourne but we can be flexible if there is nothing similar locally.
What is a featured event?
A featured event is one displayed on the home page.
Please contact us on events@discoverashbourne.com to discuss putting your event here. We may ask for a small donation, depending on who you are and what the event is.
Is there any charge to have my event listed?
Its free! However, the software is expensive, so if you can afford to, we would really appreciate a donation to help cover our costs.
How do I get my event included on the whats on page?
Use this form to list your event. Or email us at events@discoverashbourne.com.
About the Directory
What is the purpose of the directory?
We want this directory to provide a complete and comprehensive library of all the businesses, clubs, organisations and services that operate locally in and around Ashbourne. The data is carefully curated to ensure that everything listed is genuinely local.
If we have missed anything that you would find useful, or made any mistakes please contact us.
In what order do the listings display?
The directory listings show our website supporters first. After that they are in random order - they stay fixed for a while and every now and again we reorder them.
My business / organisation listing in the directory needs editing. How can I change it?
Please contact us to edit the listing for you. We normally do updates weekly. Please also read our T&C.
My business / organisation is missing from the directory. How can I include it?
Please contact us to add the listing for you. We normally do updates weekly. Please also read our T&C.
I live in Ashbourne, but my business premises are further away. Can I be included?
We will probably allow you to be in, but please contact us to tell us more.
I live outside of Ashbourne, but many of my customers are Ashbourne residents. Can I be included?
Yes you can be in, so long as you live nearby and Ashbourne makes up a large part of your business. Please contact us to tell us more.
Is there any charge for a listing?
The basic listing is totally free and includes an image, description and contact details. Its free because we want the directory to be comprehensive and useful and include every business or organisation in the Ashbourne area.
However, the software is expensive, so if you can afford to, we would really appreciate a donation to help cover our costs.
How do I delete my listing?
If your business has closed or moved out of area please contact us and we will remove your listing. If your business is still running then we would really like to keep you with us - please contact us to discuss.
Why is information such as shop opening times, not shown?
The website is designed to showcase everything Ashbourne but not duplicate information that is readily available elsewhere. Users can search the directory to discover what is here locally, and then follow the links to find out more. Also the website is run by volunteers and we do not have the time and resource to keep lots of details up to date.
How did you build the directory to start with?
This has taken hundreds of hours of work. We walked around Ashbourne, we talked to tradespeople and we trawled google. Images on the directory to start with have either been copied from business's own websites or have been newly photographed.
Tell me more about the photo.
We really like images to be personal and directly relate to the people running the business or organisation. We don’t like stock images that are commonly seen on many websites.
Images on the directory to start with have either been copied from business's own website/facebook pages or have been newly photographed. If there isn't an image it means we couldn't find one or haven't yet taken the photo.
Marketing with Discover Ashbourne
Can you help me with the design for my listing or advertisement?
Yes we'd love to. We have connections with lots of creative and skilled local people who helped build this website. Please contact us……
What advertising options do you offer?
We have space in the header for a website sponsor and we are working on other advertising options. Please feel free contact us with your ideas.
What's the inspiration for the Ashbourne logo?
The logo is under review.
Originally it consisted of a knot design and the words Discover Ashbourne c1050. The knot design is an artistic impression inspired by the remains of a Saxon cross in St Oswalds Church. The date is a reference to Ashbourne’s lengthy history, as documented by its inclusion in the Domesday book. Discover is our theme for this website and for Ashbourne – we want you to think local and get to know your town.
However, people have told us that the logo ought to reflect the three cockerels, which are widely used a symbol for Ashbourne - for example, QEGS, th town council and the football club all use cockerels.
So we are trialling a new version at the moment. Tell us what you think......
Am I allowed to use the Ashbourne logo and branding for my business?
Yes! We are encouraging every business and organisation to include some element of the Ashbourne brand in their own business marketing. This could be the whole logo, or just the knot or maybe some of the colours or even the fonts. Please see {LINK} for more information.
General questions
Tell me more about Ashbourne Town Team.
Ashbourne Town Team is an unincorporated association of Ashbourne residents and businesses who are passionate about making Ashbourne a better place to live and work. Please see the Town Team pages of this website for our constitution and more information {LINK} .
How is the website funded?
We had a small grant (thanks to Derbyshire County Council) to contribute towards build costs but most of the work (thousands of hours) has been done for free or at “mates rates”. Please see about us for credits and thank yous.
We need to generate an annual income of over £1,000 to pay for ongoing fixed costs such as hosting fees and we also owe money for work which has been done on an IOU basis and we need to pay for future development. We are asking any resident or tourist who likes this website or any business that benefits from a listing to support us by making a donation.
What geographical area does the website cover?
This website is for Ashbourne and about Ashbourne. We define this as everywhere within three miles of the town centre and we want the website to comprehensively include every event and every club / business / organisation within this area.
For hospitality and accommodation, this area is extended up to five miles.
For events and other local attractions, we go a bit further out, depending on the type of event.
What about further away?
We want the website to be really useful for Ashbourne residents & visitors so we have discretion to extend the directory and events pages to a wider area.
If you have an “Out of Area” business or event that you want listed, please contact us to discuss.
I love the website. Who did it?
Thank you –we are really proud of what we have achieved. Please see about us for credits and thank yous.
I have a suggestion to make the website even better. How do I tell you about it?
Please contact us but also forgive us if we don't act on what you say. We have plenty of ideas but we are short on people who have time to actually do stuff......
I have spotted a mistake on the website. How do I tell you about it?
Please contact us.
I would like to get involved. How can I help?
Please contact us.
Do you have a privacy policy?
Yes please see this document. This is a generic document, for "just in case". So far as we are aware we don't collect any personal data, other than a few email addresses.
Why have you not replied to my email?
Have you checked your junk folder? It may be there.
Otherwise, we are a small team of volunteers and whist we try to reply to queries quickly, sometimes that just doesn’t happen. Please feel free to send a chasing mail.