Ashbourne Regular Events

Discover all the regular events going on in Ashbourne and in the closest villages. Fitness classes, pub quizzes, toddler groups, sport clubs, hobbies & more, every day of the week.

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Amateur dramatics

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Arts & Heritage

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Bird watching

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Gardens & flowers

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Motorsports & flying

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Music & singing

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Painting & crafting

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Reading & writing

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Sewing & embroidery

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Womens Institute

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Guides, scouts, cadets etc

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Holiday activities

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Junior football

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More childrens' activities

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Parent & toddler groups

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Parks & playgrounds

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Ashbourne market

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Live music

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Older residents

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Quiz nights

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Health & fitness


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Fitness classes

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Guided walks

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Gyms & personal training

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Pilates, yoga, tai chi & qigong

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Fencing / sabre

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Football, cricket & rugby

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Martial Arts

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Other racket sports

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