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Ashbourne Writers Group


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Location in Ashbourne

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Ashbourne Town Centre

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We are a friendly bunch of creative writers, in and around Ashbourne, who share their work and their ideas, with advice and encouragement. Some of us write poems, some write prose, most of us write both.

We meet 7 - 9pm on the first Thursday of each month in St Johns church hall. To help the creative process, we provide one or more topics each month but, alternatively, we can write about whatever takes our fancy.

At the meeting we discuss – over a cuppa - matters of common interest, then read our latest creations, followed by constructive feedback. Often the pieces are thought-provoking, but not all are serious – good humour abounds! We ask that pieces are no longer than 500 words – so that everybody gets a turn. Attendance ranges from 6 -12 people, with current membership standing at 15.

Cost: £2.50 per person, per meeting, but the first meeting is a 'free taster'. Keen members can opt for the alternative: £25.00 per annum.

We also host writing workshops and have published four booklets of our work, beginning with 'Ashbourne Remembers' – reminiscences of the First World War – and, latterly, 'Picture The Poem' – a photograph and the poem it inspired.

For further information please contact:

·        Arnie: arnie.rainbow@btinternet.com

·        Janet: jphilo59@gmail.com

·        Michael: michael.snaith@mac.com

 Or just come to a meeting. We look forward to meeting you!

 “When I moved to the Ashbourne area in 2011, AWG proved to be a great way to make new friends. It has also improved my writing skills significantly – thanks to help and encouragement from fellow members. Plus it's been a lot of fun!” Arnie Rainbow, a founder member.