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NYD parkrun & parkwalk

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Starts @
9:00 am
Finish @
Starts @
9:00 am
Finish approx @


Recreation grounds
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Its free - just turn up
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Ashbourne parkrun and parkwalk is holding a special New Year's day event - get fit, make friends and enjoy the park.

It's a normal 9am start on the recreation grounds.

Run or walk a 5k (3.2m) course around the Ashbourne rec in company with lots of other runners and walkers.

Your only competition is with yourself! You can sprint, jog, power walk or go as gently as you like. Some of our walkers do 2 laps rather than the official 3 - that's fine. Our fastest runners do about 17 minutes. Our gentlest strollers do about 70 minutes.

You will need a personal parkrun barcode to get your participation officially recorded - sign up for free at the parkrun website and choose Ashbourne Recreation ground as your home location.

The best of the rest

There is so much more out there to see - we can't show them all, but here are a few.... (more coming...)

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